Key word: Jilin Yarong Technology Co., Ltd|Yarong Technology|Yarong
中文版/English version

Advisory hotline

ADDRESS: red flag ridge town, rock city, Jilin Province
Executive Tel: 0432-65610080
Sales call / Fax: 0432-65610038
Sales Manager: Wang Kai
Tel: 13937308567
Shenzhen office: Wen Bingquan
Tel: 13602689526
Henan office: Wang Hao
Tel: 15844267513
email: jlyrkj@jlyrkj.com


current location:HOME-ADVANTAGES

Technical Advantages

Release time:2016/07/04 Click volume:0

  After years’ study and production practice of nickel hydroxide, the company has trained a high-level team of technology research and development and had a veteran team of production management.

  Yarong has established the long-term technical cooperation with the national first-class universities and Scientific Research Institution, such as the Science Research of CIAC, National metal corrosion control engineering technology research center, Shenyang metal material research Institute of CAS and Jilin University.

  Company has hired Zhaoquan who is the senior engineer of Shenyang metal material research Institute of CAS and national metal corrosion control engineering technology research center as CTO of our company to offer the comprehensive technical support and guidance.( From 2000 to 2003, he was the chief engineer and deputy managing director of Liaoning Haopu battery materials Co., Ltd., and was responsible for research and development of ordinary spherical nickel hydroxide which successfully passed the tests of Japan Yuasa and Panasonic, the company became the first domestic company to supply for Japanese NI-MH batteries production enterprises. From 2004 to 2005, he was chief engineer of Jintian energy materials Co., Ltd which is the subordinate company of Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, responsible for the R&D of spherical cobalt-coated Ni(OH)2 which successfully passed the tests of Japanese Yuasa and Panasonic, at the end of 2004, and supply in batch in 2005. From 2006 to 2007, he was chief engineer of Wuhu Aland battery materials Co., Ltd. and successfully solved difficult problems of poor product quality in using nickel scrap during manufacturing spherical nickel hydroxide, so that the company’s products has quickly occupied the domestic middle-and-low market. Since 2008, he worked for Jilin Yarongtechnology co., LTD., as the chief engineer, he successfully developed NiOOH in 2008.)

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